Job Posting Plans

General Plan

0 / Unlimited Validity
  • The job displayed on the home page
  • The job also display on category page
  • The job will display on top in all job page
  • Your Jobs will be lived for 1 month
  • Post a Job by details
  • Post a Job by attachment
  • Post a Job by external link
  • Company nanme & logo display
  • Unlimited share on social media

Featured Job Plan

0 / Unlimited Validity
  • The job displayed on the home page
  • The job also display on category page
  • The job will display on top in all job page
  • Your Jobs will be lived for 1 month
  • Post a Job by details
  • Post a Job by attachment
  • Post a Job by external link
  • Company nanme & logo display
  • Unlimited share on social media

Premium Plan

0 / Unlimited Validity
  • The job displayed on the home page
  • The job also display on category page
  • The job will display on top in all job page
  • Your Jobs will be lived for 1 month
  • Post a Job by details
  • Post a Job by attachment
  • Post a Job by external link
  • Company nanme & logo display
  • Unlimited share on social media

Tender Posting Plan

Premium Plan

0 / Unlimited Validity
  • Displayed on the home page
  • Post a tender by attachment
  • Post a tender by external link
  • Company nanme & logo display

Cheque Printing Plan

Premium Plan

0 / Unlimited Validity
  • Unlimited Cheque Printing
  • Lac & Million Spell format
  • Account Payee Option
  • Print from Any Printer